6 Essential Assisted Stretching Exercises To Try
Assisted stretching involves working with a partner or using a professional’s guidance to help improve your flexibility and range of motion. It is a highly effective method for releasing muscle tension and increasing mobility, especially when performing stretches that may be difficult to achieve on your own. Assisted stretching exercises allow you to go deeper into stretches, promoting better flexibility and recovery. Explore here some of the best exercises in assisted stretching.
Hamstring stretch:
This assisted stretch targets the hamstrings, a muscle group that often becomes tight from sitting or excessive activity. Have a partner lift one of your legs while you lie on your back. As they gently push your leg upward, keep it straight and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. This allows your hamstrings to lengthen and improves flexibility.
Hip flexor stretch:
The hip flexors are essential for everyday movements like walking and running. To perform this stretch, kneel on one knee with your partner helping to push your hips forward, gently stretching the hip flexors. Hold the stretch for about 20-30 seconds and feel the muscles release tension, promoting better posture and flexibility.
Quad stretch:
Assisted quad stretches are perfect for loosening the quadriceps, which can get tight from long periods of standing or cycling. With your partner assisting, bend one knee and hold your ankle to bring your heel toward your glutes. Have them gently push your knee down to deepen the stretch. Hold for 20-30 seconds for a more intense stretch.
Shoulder stretch:
The shoulders often carry tension due to stress or poor posture. For this stretch, sit with your back straight and your partner helping by gently pulling one arm across your chest. This movement stretches the deltoids and upper back. Hold for 20-30 seconds, ensuring you feel a gentle stretch but no pain.
Seated forward fold:
A seated forward fold targets your lower back, hamstrings, and calves. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Have a partner gently assist by holding your legs or feet and gently pulling you forward as you reach for your toes. This stretch improves flexibility in the lower body and promotes spinal alignment.
Cat-cow stretch:
This stretch helps to open up the spine, improving mobility and flexibility in the back. Begin on your hands and knees, and as you inhale, have your partner guide your back into a cow position by gently lifting your chest. As you exhale, reverse the movement, pulling your chin toward your chest and rounding your spine into a cat position.